New Report Shows Lower Injury Rate for Employees With Paid Sick Leave
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently conducted a national survey of approximately 38,000 workers from 2005 to 2008. During that time period, the CDC monitored injuries and correlating facts and figures to compile a profile of the American workforce and injuries. From that study, the CDC identifies that employees who receive paid sick leave may have a lower injury rate than those without.
The study notes that the injury rate per 100 workers with paid sick leave was 2.59. Those individuals who did not receive paid sick leave had an injury rate of 4.18 per 100 workers. While the availability of sick leave can vary between industry, gender, education level and geography, the research indicates that the odds of a nonfatal injury were 28 percent lower among workers with paid sick leave.
The study’s authors advise that they did not establish a causal relationship between paid sick leave and lower injury statistics, however, the study’s lead author Abay Asfaw states that the study allows the CDC to infer that lower injury rates mean lower levels of workers’ compensation claims. The Senior Service Fellow states that paid sick leave could allow employers to reduce costs, increase employee morale, and reduce employee injuries.
The experienced Philadelphia workers’ compensation attorneys at Mednick, Mezyk & Kredo value the importance of providing a safe workplace for all Pennsylvania employees. In the event you are hurt on the job in Philadelphia, call us today at 888-807-WORK (9675) to schedule a free case evaluation.
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