Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Benefits Include More Than Just Medical Payments
Pennsylvania workplace injuries can have the ability to turn your life upside down in a matter of seconds. Just like sudden accidents, repetitive motions can also do long-term damage over time. Regardless of the type of workplace injury you have sustained, injured workers have rights to compensation for their injuries, along with lost wages while they were absent from work.
Lost Wages
Pennsylvania state law requires that wage-loss benefits be available for individuals who have been disabled and rendered incapable of returning to work. The extent of disability could range from totally disabled and permanently unable to return to work or considered partially disabled and earning less than before your injury.
Death Benefits
In the event of a workplace fatality, the surviving dependents may be entitled to benefits. These benefits can help assist the family with future income as well as medical payments and death expenses incurred from the accident.
Specific Loss Benefits
The specific loss clause under Pennsylvania workers’ compensation benefits allows for an award of benefits in the event an injured person has lost permanent use of all or part of the thumb, finger, hand, arm, leg, foot, toe, eyesight, hearing or a serious disfigurement of the head, face or neck.
Medical Care
As part of the coverage under the Workers’ Compensation Act of Pennsylvania, medical care associated with a work-related illness is included in benefits rendered. If necessary, perscription medication, medical supplies, hospital treatment, emergency care and prostheses are also included if required by a physician.
In the event you or someone you love has suffered a workplace injury or illness in Philadelphia, it is best to contact a skilled attorney immediately. The workers’ compensation attorneys at Mednick, Mezyk & Kredo will help you determine what your rights are under the law, as well as help ensure you receive the benefits you need and deserve. Call us today at 888-807-WORK (9675) for a free consultation.
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