Can my stress-related illness be covered under Pennsylvania workers’ compensation?
Illnesses that originate from prolonged exposure to workplace stress can have a profound and wide-ranging physiological impact. Illnesses from stress can include emotional illness and stress-related digestive problems and can cause you to miss work and result in an impact in your livelihood.
As workers’ compensation attorneys, we see that more stress-related illnesses caused by working conditions are being recognized by some courts as valid work-related illnesses. According to research by the American Institute for Preventative Medicine, stress is at least a partial cause to nearly two-thirds of all doctors’ office visits and plays a major role in heart disease and cancer. With these types of health threats, stress-related illness can and should be a major concern.
The difficulty can often be in proving a link between your job, the stress, and the subsequent health effects. Currently, only certain states recognize stress as a work-related illness, while other states will recognize your subsequent illness as the injury, not necessarily the stress. Your best bet is if you feel that you are suffering an illness as a direct result of your working environment, you should contact a Pennsylvania workers’ compensation attorney immediately.
If you feel you have suffered an illness due to workplace environment, we are here to help. The Pennsylvania workers’ compensation law firm of Mednick, Mezyk & Kredo are happy to meet with you for a free consultation to discuss your rights and suggest next steps. Contact us today at 215-545-1870 or 888-807-WORK (9675) for a free consultation.
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